18 iunie 2013

Uleiul de masline trateaza acneea/Olive oil cures acne

                            Uleiul de măsline tratează acneea/Olive oil cures acne


Am citit si vroiam sa va comunic si voua care este una dintre modalitatile de a trata acneea cu uleiul de masline.

Poti amesteca 3 linguri de ulei de masline cu 4 linguri de sare pana cand se formeaza o pasta omogena. Amestecul se aplica pe fata curata, masand pielea cu miscari circulare. Se lasa sa actioneze 3 minute aceasta pasta, dupa care se indeparteaza cu apa calduta.

Pentru efecte vizibile amestecul se foloseste in fiecare zi timp de o saptamana, iar pentru mentinerea efectelor, tratamentul se foloseste in continuare pe o perioada lunga de timp, masca aplicandu-se de 2 sau 3 ori pe saptamana.

Mod de actionare:
Sarea exfoliaza pielea moarta si curata porii, in timp ce uleiul de masline hidrateaza tenul in profunzime.

Sper sa va fie de folos :) Va pup :*

I have read and I wanted to communicate to you too, which is one of the ways to treat acne with olive oil.

You can mix 3 tablespoons olive oil with 4 tablespoons of salt until it forms a smooth paste. The mixture is applied on clean face, massaging the skin with circular movements. Leave on three minutes the paste, then remove with warm water.

For visible effects mixture is used every day for a week and to maintain the effects, further treatment is used over a long period of time, applying the mask 2 or 3 times a week.

Method of operation:
The salt exfoliates dead skin and cleanse pores, while olive oil moisturizes the skin deeply.  

I hope it will be useful :) Kisses :*


Back in business :)

Hey... buna dragile mele... am observat ca blogul a fost in continuare vizualizat de multe persoane, chiar daca eu nu am mai fost activa pe el si de aceea m-am gandit sa mai postez si aici cate ceva..  Inca nu am reusit sa fac ceea ce mi-am propus.. dar speranta moare ultima.. si eu sunt foarte insistenta :)) nu ma las asa usor :P Probabil de acum in colo o sa organizez si ceva concursuri pe facebook, asa ca urmariti-ma si acolo: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Make-Up-Alexandra-Iuliana/232306930217204 si nu uitati sa ma sustineti, deoarece am mare nevoie de acest lucru :P
  M-am gandit sa postez si in engleza pentru ca am vazut ca am si persoane din alte tari care ma urmaresc si nu cred ca inteleg prea bine romana :)) 

PS: Nu stiu prea bine engleza asa ca imi cer scuze de pe acum daca mai gresesc pe viitor. :D

Va pup :*

Hey ... hello my dear ... I noticed that the blog was still viewed by many people, even if I have not been active on it and so I thought I will post something here .. I have not managed to do what I wanted .. but hope dies last .. and I'm very pushy :)) do not quit so easily :P Maybe from now on I will organize and some contests on facebook, so follow me there too: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Make -Up-Alexandra-Iuliana/232306930217204 and remember to support me, because I really need it :P
I thought to post in english too, because I saw that I have people from other countries
who follow me and I don't think they understand soo good romanian :))

PS: I don't know very good to write in english, so I apologize right now if I'll make some mistakes in the future. :D

Kisses :*